Neural Networking Night

Upcoming Events

All seminars take place in the Le Piano Vache bar (8 Rue Laplace, 75005 Paris) and start at 5 pm (see below).

Prefontal interneuron function in cognitive control

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Distributed computations for flexible cognition

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Decision-making and attentional processes in the auditory cortex

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About the event

Neural Networking Night provides a platform for regular interactions and dialogue within the Ile-de-France Systems and Computational Neuroscience community. It proposes an innovative and engaging setting where a scientific seminar meets social interaction: Elevate the understanding of the brain in a social setting at a Neuroscience Seminar in “Le Piano Vache” pub. By combining the rigor of scientific discussion with the relaxed atmosphere of a pub, it aims to create an engaging environment that encourages the dissemination of preliminary results, and that sparks conversations potentially leading to future collaborations.

Location and Time

    The Neural Networking Night is held at the iconic student pub Le Piano Vache (8 Rue Laplace, 75005 Paris), located in the academic heart of Paris. Seminars take place on Fridays at 5 pm and are followed by time for informal conversations and socializing. Write an email to with the subject subscribe if you want to be added to our mailing list.

We gratefully acknowledge financial support from :


DIM C-BRAINS supports Neural Networking Night through its Axis 3: Neural Networks, Modeling and Artificial Intelligence action, which provides means to elucidate how neural networks produce the signals that govern movement, perception, thought, memory and even the prediction of the future.

We thank for her work in designing the logo for the Neural Networking Night.

We are grateful to Jean-Baptiste Masson for generously supporting our seminar series by providing essential equipment that has greatly enhanced the quality of our presentations and discussions.